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Christiana's Blog

I've got an exciting new project in the works!

Together with writer friends Natalie Holden, Holly Wright and Zenta Brice, I'm putting together a charity anthology in support of two animal shelters Holly and I foster cats and kittens for. 

The book's titled Purranormal Tails, published by Pen and Paw International, and will be out 1st February 2023 if all goes according to plan.

GetCovers are are working on our cover, and it looks fantastic. Just a few more tweaks and I'll be able to share it with the world. Also, Zenta Brice is drawing chapter headers for us - I think you'll agree they're amazing.

All royalties will be shared between Holly's charity, Salem Community Cats in the US, and Belle Vie Animal Rescue, here in south-east Queensland.


So if you love cats, or fantasy, or better yet, both, be sure to pick up a copy next February and support two very worthwhile causes.


Purrranormal Tails Ch Head 5.jpg
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